Hey, here are some updates:

Commission status:
July waitlist SOON


Order form



Price: 65$*
Delivery: 2-3 weeks

Half Body

Price: 95$*
Delivery: 3-4 weeks


Price: 155$*
Delivery: 4-5 weeks

The price may vary, please contact me for more info :)

Extra designs

Terms and Info

- The artist will own 100% of the rights to the commissioned artwork. The artist may post commissioned work online.
- Claiming the artwork to be customer’s is FORBIDDEN
PAYMENT-The commission price may vary according to the dollar exchange rate, if you have made a budget with me, the given price remains independent of the exchange rate for up to 15 days.
- All payments have to be made through Paypal ONLY;
- All prices are in USD;
- The customer must be able to pay for the commission upfront. Payment plans are accepted (like 50/50).
- If the customer doesn’t respect the payment plan deadlines or delays the payment over 7 days the queue spot will be deleted and an incomplete version of the art piece will be delivered.
REFUND- If the customer's commission has not been started, a full refund will be given (minus paypal fees).
- If the artwork is incomplete, a partial refund will be given.
If the commission is complete, a refund will NOT be given.
- If a refund is requested, do not request a Paypal chargeback. Send a message about it and the artist will transfer the money back to you.
- If a chargeback is requested direcly to Paypal even though the customer is not allowed to ask for a refund, the customer will lose all beforementioned rights to the commissioned artwork. The chargeback will be declined and Paypal will be supplied with conversations between the customer and the artist as evidence that the artist has completed work for the commissioner. The artist will have full rights to profit from the artwork anyway. Furthermore, the customer will be blacklisted for commissioning the artist again.

UPDATES AND COMMUNICATIONUpdates are given weekly during the process, and two WIPs will be sent for approval, one sketch and one color test, in the final delivery you will be entitled to a small modification (such as some detail or color), when your final approval is given No further changes will be accepted.I am always available for messages, but I usually take the weekend and night time off, I ask for your understanding if it takes time to respond.SMALL CHANGES- During the WIP sketch the customer has the right to request small changes, as long as they do not interfere with the previous briefing / price discussed.- If the artist misses a detail that was NOT shown in the reference there will be an additional fee for editing it. Additional fees can go up to half of the full commission price. After the final delivery and approval, any other editing request will NOT be accepted.

Thanks for reading!